
Calden Basi is a world renowned traveler, photographer,film maker and writer. Well, not really. He's a marketing and brand management consultant who sits at a desk most of the time and writes about himself in the third person.When he's not at his desk he finds every excuse to roam around the country side looking for stories with his camera hidden away in his old camera bag (seen in the self indulgent picture he posted of himself). This is his blog of images and stories that he has collected over the years.He hopes that you like them and that it leaves you with a smile, a thoughtful moment or reminds you of a story of your own.

Please feel free to get in touch or join his Facebook page.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Nice one dude, as always :) but what happened to the old site, and its contents!

    1. Thanks Rahul! :). When google+ happened had to change the privacy policy of pics in picasa . Some of the images stopped showing up etc. So have unpublished that blog.

    2. Oh ok. Anyway, this one is very clean, simple and easy to look at. Will keep coming back for more!
